In case you do not have a credit card, choose full insurance coverage in the insurance options to avoid the amount of excess as a guarantee. Upon pickup, you can pay in cash or with a debit card.
Collision damage, theft & fire insurance, 3rd-party liability insurance
Pay uppon arrival, 100% risk free
Get your friends and get a huge discount
Book for more than 5 days & get 30% off
Take advantage of our rental services in Heraklion Port. Motorfun and our representatives will deliver your rental ATV or scooter to the place you want and exactly at the time you have agreed. Choose the type of ride that best suits your needs. Rent a motorbike or scooter in Heraklion online without credit and win from our special offers!
The rental price varies depending on the days you rent the vehicle. The more time period, the cheaper the rental price.
Our representative will wait for you in the exit of the port with a sign with your name on.
The driver must be 21 years old with at least 1 year of driving for categories A1, B1, and C. For the other categories, it is 23 and 25 years. Selecting your age in the search form will only show the vehicles you can rent based on your age.
The best-recommended motorbike for hire in Heraklion Airport is Kawasaki KLX 250, which is suitable for traveling all around Crete.
In case you do not have a credit card, choose full insurance coverage in the insurance options to avoid the amount of excess as a guarantee. Upon pickup, you can pay in cash or with a debit card.
You can pay in cash on arrival, or with debit or credit card (Visa or Mastercard)